Get FREE access to this treasure trove of tools designed specifically for the visionary entrepreneur that you are!

When you register for access to these awesome free gifts, you will also get weekly tips, advice, insights and offers from Michael Neeley and be added to the Infinite List® for future giveaways and promotions — you may unsubscribe from either at any time.









8 Legal Templates for Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances

I don’t know about you, but I hate wasting money on attorneys. And yet we all need to do that to ensure we’re protected. This is especially important when doing Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances.

That’s why I’m so excited to share with you eight legal templates, in Word, for you to use to help structure your deals, that I’ve invested some $64,000 to develop over the years.

From simple JV agreements to complicated Asset Purchase Agreement and full on Joint Venture Agreements, you get them all, in Word, so you can create your own agreements faster. Track, edit, modify as you see fit, then take to your attorney to polish.

You’ll have a superb agreement, and save a ton of money.

from Tom Matzen

101 Marketing Ideas

Discover over 101 marketing ideas that will help you get more sales.

PLUS, you will receive the 3 keys to getting the best results with your marketing dollars!

from Nicki Chang-Powless

Profitize Your Purpose™ Power Pack

The ultimate bundle to embrace your big mission and have a profitable business that lights you up.


- Profitize Your Purpose™ Micro-Course and Action Guide: To become crystal clear about your dream business so you can bring it to fruition directly and powerfully.

- EPIC Mastery Roadmap: To walk you through the step-by-step process to launch, sell, and scale a 6-figure Lux Group Coaching Program™ that guarantees EPIC results for your clients.

- EPIC Business Checklist: To identify what must be done to STOP trading hours for dollars and chasing down clients and START spending your time and money on strategies that get EPIC results.

- Living My Purpose Audio Affirmations MP3 File to ensure you don’t stray, become overwhelmed, or get distracted by negative thoughts and beliefs.

from Christie Ruffino

7 Days to a Flood of Ideal Clients

By the end of this course, you will have a fully operational referral system in place. You will know how to identify potential referrers, how to approach them, and how to incentivize them to bring in more clients.

from Ivana Taylor

Instant Results, Lifelong Clients Toolkit

With our comprehensive coaching toolkit, you'll have everything you need to take your clients to the next level and help them achieve their goals.

Our toolkit covers each step of the coaching process, providing you with the essential tools and strategies to help your clients make the changes they need to succeed.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this toolkit is the perfect solution for coaches who are serious about making a difference. With 12 powerful tools, you can customize your approach to match your clients' unique needs and goals. From initial preparation and meetings to final action plans, we've got you covered!

At the heart of our coaching toolkit is a simple philosophy: when you focus on your clients' success, you can't go wrong. Get your hands on this powerful resource today and take your coaching practice to the next level!

from Eva Gregory

Launch Masterclass

Year after year, the Launch Masterclass™ pushes the limits of "giving away your best stuff for free”...

Actionable video trainings, live sessions, downloadable resources, and dozens of Case Studies.

In short, we deliver massive value. And I teach my heart out.

Then I open up registration for Product Launch Formula® Coaching Program.

And year after year, the launch converts – big time.

Our partners and affiliates do their communities a huge favor by telling people about the Launch Masterclass...

And they have huge conversions when we offer PLF.

It’s the perfect sweet spot of helping your people and making a lot of money.

This year’s Masterclass is going to be the best one yet – with a redesigned format to make it easier for people around the world to watch. Plus we’re showing people how to use AI so they can launch FAST.

from Jeff Walker

Authentic Conversations... 3 Templates To Connect... Serve... And Sell From The Heart Plus Power Up Biz Quiz Assessment

SCRIPTS prepare you to confidently navigate through every phase of the sales process.... what to say, when to say it and how to BE!
Debbie’s 3 key scripts address specific scenarios that entrepreneurs face all the time:

  • How to connect with a prospect after a networking event
  • What to say to someone who’s been buried in the pile of business cards on your desk
  • What to say to an interested prospect who’s gone MIA
    Plus: Take my Power Up Biz Quiz and learn where you’re doing well with your follow up and sales and where potential clients and income are slipping through the cracks.

from Debbie Hoffman

Top Money Making Activities

You'll ... Discover the top 7 Money Making Activities in your online business.

Understand the difference between lead-generating vs money making activities.

Identify the 5 things that provide 80% (or more) of your income.

from Cindy J Holbrook

Launch Conversation Calendar

What makes the difference between a failed launch and a successful launch? Conversations!

Talking about your paid offer during every point of your launch should feel like a natural conversation that strengthens the relationships with your audience and guides them to make an ethical buying decision.

Being intentional with your conversations keeps the momentum going in your launch, bringing your audience one step closer to you!

The Fill in the Blank Launch Conversation Calendar helps you know exactly what to say to your audience during every point of your launch from start to finish!

from Paul & Melissa Pruitt

3 Ultimate Secrets To Getting Booked on Podcasts

Learn the 3 Secrets which are tested methods that have benefitted several other Podcast Guests, on how you can become confident as a Guest on a Podcast, the do's and don'ts of appearing as a Guest, how to get the host to invite you back on their Podcast, again and again! And how to boost your podcast appearances by 3x.

from Kay Suthar

81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably

Being a business owner or a sales professional can be difficult these days. So much to do and so little time to do it. Just tracking down the resources that you need can be frustrating and time consuming and you still may not find what you need. Wendy has developed this great gift for you:  81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably. Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.

from Wendy Weiss

44 Ways To Seduce Your Next Client from Stage, Podcast, Radio, Virtual Summits and Virtual Networking

As a changemaker looking to change more lives, attract more clients and scale up your business, you must always be looking for ways to get people to meet with you or opt-in to your list.

But if you think the only inducements you can offer are a free ebook, short online program or free consultation, you are far behind the times! Is your free offer tired and not drawing?

What if we could give you 44 Ways to Seduce Your Next Client from Stages, Podcasts, Radio Shows, Virtual Summits or Virtual Networking?

Get this and rocket your prospective client engagement with new, exciting and creative enticements!

from Jackie Lapin

Podcast Success Blueprint

Did you know 75% of all Podcasts Launched Podfade (stop producing episodes) before they get to episode 20. Ouch that's a lot of effort to launch then just give up!

We have launched over 400 podcasts and 90% of all of them are in the top 5% of all podcasts out there and have an average of over 100 episodes and there is a reason they are so successful.

They follow the Podcast Success Blueprint, they take the time and strategy to create a show that is serving their business and their audience.

Want to compress time and move faster to get your show launched? Let us guide you and give you our tips and strategy so you don't become one of those statistics!

We are sharing this proven system with you, grab it now!!

from Michelle Abraham

Six Steps to More Ideal Clients

Six Steps to More Ideal Client... Your guide to attract the right clients. Effective marketing and sales depend on a good understanding of your target niche. The more you understand, the more effective your marketing becomes – and the easier it gets to attract good clients. The six-step guide to attract the right clients provides you with a strategy to increase your knowledge of your target niche members. The results can help you connect and resonate more easily with your niche members – and will lead you to: 
- More of your favorite kinds of clients
- Improved marketing and relatively lower marketing costs
- Easier sales conversations

from Rick Jeune

Want to Automate Your Business?

Free Yourself Time & Make Money While You Sleep!

Get the Offer Funnel Optimizer Resource

A Must-Have Resource for Every Solopreneur!

from Sue Pats

Course Creation Toolkit

This FREE toolkit does all the heavy lifting so you can fast-track your course building and selling. You'll get step-by-step instructions, checklists, and templates – so all you have to do is go through each template, fill in the blanks, and you’re done!

from Eli Natoli

The Art of Influence in the Modern World

"Hello, my dear readers, welcome to the exhilarating realm of influence in the modern world!

In this ever-evolving landscape of interconnectedness and boundless possibilities, the art of influence has taken on a new form, intertwining with the very fabric of our existence.

Join me as we explore the strategies, challenges, and triumphs of wielding influence in this dynamic era."

from Toni Kaufman

Corporate Clients Checklist

The Corporate Clients Checklist simplifies the corporate client attraction journey using our interactive checklist that saves digital product creators, entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, and speakers valuable time and effort in navigating the complexities of engaging with Fortune 500 companies.

Download the checklist and gain the following:

-Learn how to adjust your copywriting for corporate clients

-Understand what corporations are seeking from your digital programs before they purchase

-Gain unlimited customer support as you work through the checklist

from Shadeed Eleazer

The Wealth Mastery Assessment

The quick assessment you are about to experience is designed to help you discover where you are on track toward your goals and get crystal clear around what missing pieces are holding you back from experiencing the results you desire. This knowledge is absolutely key if you are looking to create a breakthrough in your financial outlook.

from Michael Hession

Is Your Course Idea Any Good?

Considering an Online Course? Wondering if your idea is any good? Come find out with this short training to validate your idea - before you spend hours, days or even months creating it!

from Julie Hood

5-Day Find Money Challenge

When would be a great time to find more money? That's right...right now! Whether you're sitting pretty or eager to find money real fast, this 5-day find money challenge is filled with daily tips and money hacks, fun and excitement and mindset shifts so you find even more money that's just waiting for you! "When you pay attention to your money, it pays you back!"

from Debra Morrison

Communication Style Assessment (CSA)™

Are you curious about how you communicate and how your messages are received by clients and prospects?

The Communication Style Assessment (CSA)™ will provide a framework so you can easily identify your superpowers and challenges associated with your communication style combination.

Using this tool, you will have an opportunity to learn about your communication style and sharpen your skills so you can take advantage of perfecting your personal style. This will help you master business situations such as asking for the sale, handling conflict and objections with ease, being an influential leader, master meeting facilitation, and so much more.

Isn’t it time you fulfilled your full communication potential and let it be the power behind your success? Let us provide you with the first step toward communication mastery!

from Connie Whitman

The Ultimate AI Lead Magnet Playbook! 

3 Keys (& 1 Fatal Flaw) to Irresistibly Attract Your Ideal Customers!

Have you ever had a fridge magnet that just wouldn’t seem to stick? It had just lost all of its magnetic power (if it ever had any to begin with).

Well… business lead-magnets can behave the same way!

Does yours have the magnetism you need?

Is it still attracting your ideal clients?

Grab The Ultimate AI Lead Magnet Playbook today and learn how to:
• Create a free gift that will have your ideal customers jumping in line to get it!
• Craft a title that cranks up your conversions better than ever before!
• Avoid the one flaw that will keep your list small (and your bank account smaller)!
• And more!

If your list is the lifeblood of your business, then a hot lead-magnet is the infusion your business needs!

Get this free Playbook to grow your list now!

from Michael Neeley

The Simple 5-Step Process to Launch a Rockin' Podcast in Just 14 Days!

Podcasting is quietly on the grow and secretly usurping the power of video!

Here's why:
• People can listen while driving, running, exercising, doing dishes, and more!
• It creates intimacy, as most listeners are hearing you through earbuds - you go right into their minds.
• The KLT (Know, Like, Trust) Factor is extremely high in podcasts, proven by research that shows more people buy from hearing ads on podcasts than anywhere else!

Best of all, it's not rocket science, and you can launch a podcast with less than $100 and in a very short period of time.

Get this free guide to learn how!

from Michael Neeley

REACH Live 2023 

Go from Being the Best-Kept Secret to the Go-To Expert in Your Field. Amplify Your Voice, Build Your Authority, Reach More People, and Dramatically Increase Your Income. 

Learn how your message can REACH the world in a much bigger way… through podcasts, giveaways & joint ventures! We’ll show you how.

This event requires a small donation to the nonprofit organization "Project O".

from Michael Neeley

The Podcast Guy

Follow The Podcast Guy on Apple Podcasts to keep up-to-date on industry changes, learn new tips and tactics, and so much more!

from Michael Neeley

FOLLOW on Apple Podcasts