Get FREE access to this treasure trove of tools designed specifically for the visionary leader that you are

When you register for access to these awesome free gifts, you will also get weekly tips, advice, insights and offers from Mary Hiland and be added to the Infinite List® for future giveaways and promotions — you may unsubscribe from either at any time.

Create a Development Plan That Works

Learn How Planning Your Work and Working Your Plan Can save You from Going Insane

Does your organization get distracted by every new fundraising idea that comes down the pike? Do your executive management and board expect you to raise unreasonable amounts of money in a short time frame with no resources to help?

Learn how to get started in developing your plan, who needs to be involved, what a comprehensive development plan should look like, and how to implement and evaluate the plan. We will cover what the development plan is and is not, and how it helps you stay on track and not get derailed by every shiny object that comes down the road.

from Linda Lysakowski

Non-Profit Strategic Planning Quick Start Quiz

Is your organization considering a strategic planning process? Or maybe you've ruled it out because it is too expensive, time-consuming or complex?

Strategic planning is a key antidote to fundraising issues, burnout, scatter, wasted time and not getting the results we want. Traditional strategic planning, however, can simply be too daunting or expensive to take on - or we end up with a plan that collects dust.

It truly doesn't have to be this way! Strategic planning can and should be focused, fun and effective. Learn what your organization needs most to inform a focused, effective and simplified strategic planning process.

This quiz will help you streamline and rightsize a strategic planning process just for you, helping you understand where and how to get started. Identify what is in place, what is missing, and prioritize where you need to focus most.

Get the results you want with less effort! Don't let traditional strategic planning keep your organization from getting what it needs to thrive.

Take our Quick Start Quiz to find out what your organization needs to focus on and be on your way to effective right-sized strategic planning.

from Megan Joseph

ChatGPT Prompt Sheet:
Write a Compelling Appeal Letter

Crafting a powerful and effective appeal letter just got easier!

This curated PROMPT SHEET will help you harness ChatGPT for your next fundraising letter.

This is the ticket to saving time and raising more money!

from Sharon Papo

From Start-Up to Strong - The Journey to Nonprofit Sustainability

Is Your Organization Stuck in Start-Up Mode?

This white paper is designed to accelerate your nonprofit business growth through tried and true rock-solid business tactics.

  • With one click you will get insights into the start-up lifecycle that many nonprofit leaders find themselves in and just can’t seem to break out of.
  • With one click access proven growth engine key tips that build upon what you already have in place.
  • With one click get direction to propel your organization to build meaningful momentum and become a well-loved and supported beacon of hope and positive transformation in your community.

from Rebecca Rodriguez

Seven Simple Ways to Transform Your Board into Brand Ambassadors

Do you have Board members with strong networks and know-how, but they're not as engaged with your brand as you’d like?

Do you need your Board members to step up and serve your organization beyond just showing up to meetings?

Do you need Board members who sing your praises, amplify your message, and help drive new donor relationships?

With Seven Ways to Transform Your Board into Brand Ambassadors, you’ll learn:
- Simple steps to keep your brand top of mind for your Board members
- New approaches to making sure Board members know how to promote your organization
- Easy ways to incorporate Board members into your marketing activities
-Techniques to empower your Board to serve as strong advocates of your mission and brand

Transform your Board today by downloading the free guide.

from Elena McAnespie

5 Steps to Create Engaging Social Media Posts Every Time

Do you struggle to connect with supporters on social media?
Do you feel confused and frustrated when no one responds to your social media posts? We all know engagement is vital, but HOW do we up the odds that more people like, comment and share our stuff?
You’re probably making one of the 5 most common mistakes I see when scrolling through social. And every post NEEDS all 5 things to get engagement.
To make sure you never miss one of these 5 again, grab this downloadable, reusable checklist to look at EVERY SINGLE TIME you share something on social media. Get way more engagement, grow your audience, and have more people excited to support you.

from Deborah Finestone

Up Level Your Influence Starter Kit

Be more confident, credible & convincing to your board & supporters without feeling rejected, ineffective or pushy.
Learn to manage your mindset, lead yourself and others more effectively and have the meaningful conversations that drive your most important work.

from Maryanne Dersch

The ONLY 10 Things You Must Have to Raise Big Bucks

If you are tired of working with too few resources …

If you can’t get your board members to fundraise …

If you have limited time to devote to fundraising … GOOD.

You have a strong foundation on which to raise millions.

Impossible, you say. I disagree.

Discover The ONLY 10 Things You Must Have to Raise Big Bucks.

You CAN raise big money in just a few months with only 10 basics in place. You don’t even need staff. Plus, you don’t have to haggle with board members to participate in what you’re doing.

Leverage existing resources. Relieve board members’ fears about fundraising. Spend a few hours each week talking with new friends. See how easy it is to get started raising major gifts!

from Joanne Oppelt

Achieving Diverse and Inclusive Boards

Diversity is the authentic engagement of individuals across diverse perspectives
and life experiences. Research shows that diverse boards are more effective at governance and achieving positive outcomes for nonprofits. This giveaway provides a framework and practical exercise to get your board on track to be a competent and effective diverse and inclusive board.

from James Mueller

The 4 Part Framework For Staffing Up!

Could your nonprofit use more staff?

In the world of nonprofits, passion and purpose drive us. But to truly maximize our impact, we need more than just heart – we need the right team. Discover a framework designed specifically for nonprofits to navigate the complexities of staffing, regardless of budget constraints.

In this 2-hour masterclass you’ll learn:

✅ Two brand spanking new insights into nonprofit growth - no matter who you are, once you employ these two forces, you’ll revolutionize your approach to fulfilling your mission.
How to take a traditional org. chart and make it agile and responsive - Once this happens, then unparalleled team efficiency will fall right into your lap.
The surprising truth about hiring and letting go - knowing both the good and bad catapults you to leadership excellence.

✅ The top mistake nonprofits make when staffing up - including how some nonprofits screwed up their growth even though they had resources. (Here’s how you can sidestep this fate which impacts your mission's effectiveness).

✅ The exact blueprinting for building your nonprofit dream-team - Once you have this, the sky is your limit.

✅ Two key steps most nonprofits miss in the hiring process - Plus the entire step-by-step hiring process we teach in the THRiVE program

from Sarah Olivieri

How to Get a Google $10,000 Ad Grant: A Website Checklist for Nonprofits

As far as Google is concerned, and you should too, a nonprofit website is its most important asset. Unfortunately, most don’t have the right content and functionality. Don’t let a poor website stop visitors from engaging and stop the organization from qualifying for a Google $10,000 Ad Grant. Pretty isn't always functional. Learn what items should be the foundation of every website.
Grab the website checklist with tips and strategies, outlines everything you need such as:
1. Engagement Content Strategies
2. Transparency Content Strategies
3. Technical Tools Strategies

from Victoria Boyd

Framework for Effective Fundraising

Make every interaction count with this 4-step communication framework that ensures you connect with your potential donors effectively every time.

Based on neuroscience, I’ve used this framework to help over a dozen leaders raise seed capital, second round funding, and one company raise $ 220 million, which was $ 100 million over their goal!

Quickly turn prospects into advocates when you follow the four steps of this Framework for Effective Fundraising.

from Salvatore Manzi

Strategic Planning Roadmap: Troubleshooting Planning for Effective Results

In this mini course, you’ll learn about nonprofit strategic planning and its relevance in today’s climate. We’ll touch on common misconceptions and explore the impact effective strategic planning can have on your organization, including key benefits. We’ll address the frequent pitfalls that trip organizations up and how to avoid them.  Learn what will increase your likelihood of success in crafting and implement a successful strategic plan. Whether you’re new or a seasoned nonprofit professional, this mini course will help you prepare for successful strategic planning.

from Carol Hamilton

Double Your Funding: The Email Marketing Power Play

Unlock the Secrets of Unstoppable Donor Growth! In this masterclass you’ll learn:

* Skyrocket Donor Retention: Email marketing offers incredible returns, nurturing trust effortlessly with an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent
* Timing the Second Donation Ask: Discover the golden moment to ask for more support, and rev up your contributions using clever automation
* Engagement Secrets: Create an irresistibly compelling welcome series to cement unshakable trust and loyalty with your supporters

from Christina Edwards

Is Your Website Holding Your Nonprofit Back? A Self-Guided Assessment

Many nonprofit executives — whether staff leaders or Board members — don’t have a technical background in website development or digital communications. However, we all use websites every day, and you might have a sense that your organization’s website is aging, and might be holding your organization back.

This assessment is intended to help you — a nonprofit leader who might not identify as the most “tech-savvy” person in the room — conduct a quick review of your organization’s website.

You goal is to identify any obvious weaknesses that might justify more conversation with a website expert, or with your organization's communications team.

This assessment is designed to empower you with some simple, user testing evidence to start the conversation about building a stronger online presence for your nonprofit organization.

from Ed Harris

De-Stress with some Nonprofit Fun

Working at a nonprofit can be a seriously stressful experience. You do so much – whether it’s late nights and weekends, board meetings, pulling together budgets… so many missions take a huge emotional toll. You need to keep your sanity! You deserve a little fun in your day!
But try Googling something like “nonprofit staff fun”. There’s no results. Aren’t nonprofit staff allowed to de-stress, and have a little fun?
Oh course, but how?
Nonprofit.Courses has you covered with a specially curated collection of 30 videos that poke a little fun at the nonprofit sector. They’re sure to make you smile, chuckle, or even laugh out loud.
So, click through and make your coworkers and volunteers wonder what that grin on your face is all about!

from Matthew Hugg

3 Essential Ways to Move Towards Equity in Your Nonprofit

Learn 3 essential ways to move towards equity in your nonprofit with Mia Henry

Join Mia Henry for a virtual webinar about building equity into nonprofit organizations through thoughtful, conscious leadership.

You will learn 3 essential ways to move towards equity as a leader in your nonprofit and receive specific prompts to help you address equity with your policies, interpersonal relationships, and nonprofit culture.

from Mia Henry

Foundation Funding Made Easy: Free Grant Pipeline Template!


Tired of feeling lost and overwhelmed in your granting strategy? The key to improving this is to
  👏OR-GA-NIZE👏. Yup, organization goes a long way when it comes to freeing up mental space AND solidifying your organization's processes. While good resolutions like organizing our work often sound good, it can undoubtedly be a bit of a pain to create yet another document just to enter our info into it. And so what often happens is:

1. You open an Excel Sheet (nonprofits' best friend)
2. You wonder "What the heck am I supposed to write?"
3. You try to do a bit of research but find contradictory information
4. You end up HATING what you created and never use it.


But noooo, don't let this be an excuse to not get organized ;)
I have a free TEMPLATE for you for you to use so that you can put all your focus into applying for funds, and making your non-profit ✨MAGIC.✨

from Katherine Macdonald

7 (Surprising) Tactics to Retain Top Talent

Download 7 (surprising) tactics that will help you retain your high performers, so you can smash outcomes and scale your impact! Get the innovative strategies that work for today’s diverse, multigenerational, hybrid workplace.

from Shannon Bowen

3 Ultimate Secrets To Getting Booked on Podcasts

Learn the proven and tested methods that have benefitted several other Podcast Guests, on how you can become confident as a Guest on a Podcast, the do's and don'ts of appearing as Guests on Podcasts, how to get the host to invite you back on their Podcast, again and again! And how to boost your podcast appearances by 3x.

from Kay Suthar

The Secret Advantage for Maximizing Your Nonprofit's Impact:

The answer may surprise you.

In this culture where there are more wonderful causes for people to get involved with, your nonprofit needs to use every possible advantage that you can get. There is one very powerful advantage that is available to you. You may be surprised to learn exactly what it is. The biggest surprise may just be how powerful this really is and even how easy this can be to incorporate into your nonprofit. Each of the parts of this gift will tell you what the secret advantage is that will maximize your nonprofit's impact, why it's important to ramp up your use of this advantage, and give you tips to begin to do just that in relation to:

  • Your staff
  • Your board of directors
  • Volunteers
  • Donors

Plus there's a bonus included with this gift. However there's a limit to how many people will receive this bonus. Once you claim your gift, look for the way to also claim you bonus and then act quickly to claim your bonus before they're all gone.

from Kathleen Panning

Crucial Insights: 3 Root Causes of Board Member Disengagement

Do you wish your board members were more engaged?

Do you find that some board members don’t follow through or aren’t involved in board work?
Are some of your board members overly reliant on you—not being strategic thought partners you need?

You CAN create a more engaged board.

Download this free guide and discover:
 What to focus on first to elevate your board’s engagement.
 What’s at stake when your board members are disengaged.
 The 3 root causes of board member disengagement.

from Mary Hiland

Four Things You Must Have for Board Recruitment Success

Do you find yourself scrambling to attract the right new board members?
Or, even worse, settling for less?

It’s not easy to find the right board members for your nonprofit just when you need them To recruit the board members you want, you must prepare. There are 4 key things you must put in place before you start recruiting to be successful.

Download this free guide and discover the 4 key things you must have in place before you start recruiting to be successful. PLUS, you’ll get a bonus training that shows you how to create a board recruitment system that brings you a steady pipeline of ideal board member prospects.

from Mary Hiland

Inspired Nonprofit Leadership podcast

Could you use tips and strategies to save you time and resources as a nonprofit leader? Listen to experts and other nonprofit leaders to gain insights, tips, and inspiration to unleash your full potential. Subscribe to Inspired Nonprofit Leadership and get encouragement and information you can use to be an even more effective nonprofit leader.

from Mary Hiland

Listen on Apple Podcasts