Get FREE access to this treasure trove of tools designed specifically for the visionary entrepreneur that you are!

When you register for access to these awesome free gifts, you will also get weekly tips, advice, insights and offers from Virginia Muzquiz and be added to the Infinite List® for future giveaways and promotions — you may unsubscribe from either at any time.









Financial Training for Small Business Owners

If you are not a "numbers" person and know little about how to use the financial statements your accountant creates for you, this course is for you!

This is not your grandparents’ financial course or boring Accounting 101. I say leave the accounting to the accountants!

Financial Training for Small Business Owners is a series of videos that takes the chaos out of financial management and puts the business owner in the driver's seat with easy-to-implement strategies to increase cash flow in 30 days or less.

I've included nine lessons filled with actionable steps you can take NOW to change your financial situation.

from Amanda Bedell

Harnessing Cellular Memory for Authentic Business Success

Elevate your energy to draw in your perfect clients, steering clear of mismatched and unready individuals. Embrace the Universe's flow as it ushers a steady stream of new and returning clients to your calendar. Your role? Simply connect, welcome, and succeed.

from Charmaine Diallo

Webinar Blueprint

This is your 5 step Success Blueprint that will show you why you MUST have a related Free Webinar!

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital business, webinars have emerged as a powerhouse tool for connecting, educating, and driving your audience toward transformative experiences. Webinars are your solution to achieving six figures and beyond!

This guide is your backstage pass to crafting, delivering, and nailing webinars that resonate with your audience and propel your business forward!!

from Paul & Melissa Pruitt

The Wealth Mastery Assessment

The quick assessment you are about to experience is designed to help you discover where you are on track toward your goals and get crystal clear around what missing pieces are holding you back from experiencing the results you desire. This knowledge is absolutely key if you are looking to create a breakthrough in your financial outlook.

from Michael Hession

44 Ways To Seduce Your Next Client from Stage, Podcast, Radio, Virtual Summits and Virtual Networking

As a changemaker looking to change more lives, attract more clients and scale up your business, you must always be looking for ways to get people to meet with you or opt-in to your list.

But if you think the only inducements you can offer are a free ebook, short online program or free consultation, you are far behind the times! Is your free offer tired and not drawing?

What if we could give you 44 Ways to Seduce Your Next Client from Stages, Podcasts, Radio Shows, Virtual Summits or Virtual Networking?

Get this and rocket your prospective client engagement with new, exciting and creative enticements!

from Jackie Lapin

3 Secrets to Look AND Feel Great

Discover …
*​How you may be hiding in plain site and how to embody your element
​*The #1 trait that will instantly make people trust you
​*How to save time and money while wearing clothes you love

from Amy Janece

Course Creation Toolkit

This FREE toolkit does all the heavy lifting so you can fast-track your course building and selling. You'll get step-by-step instructions, checklists, and templates – so all you have to do is go through each template, fill in the blanks, and you’re done!

from Eli Natoli

Complimentary VIP Ticket to Toni Kaufman's Latest 90 minute Workshop: "Empowering Your Business with AI: A Beginner-Friendly Workshop"

Based on Toni's Latest Book: AI Made Simple: Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
This 90-minute beginner-friendly workshop aims to empower participants with the knowledge and confidence to leverage AI as a strategic resource for business growth. Through interactive discussions and practical examples, attendees will gain a clear understanding of AI fundamentals, identify opportunities for AI integration, and learn how to implement AI solutions to optimize their business operations. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with the necessary tools to start their AI journey and make informed decisions for their businesses.

from Toni Kaufman

Top Money Making Activities

You'll ... Discover the top 7 Money Making Activities in your online business.

Understand the difference between lead-generating vs money making activities.

Identify the 5 things that provide 80% (or more) of your income.

from Cindy J. Holbrook

How to Write the Perfect Welcome Series

Connect with your audience from email #1! The key to converting your list is building an engaged audience from the beginning.

Discover how to craft a welcome series that encourages new subscribers to open, click and buy from your very first email.

Inside this guide, you’ll uncover:

What to write about…and how to get it done
What you MUST include in every email
The same framework my clients have used to get up to 80% open rates…

…and so much more!

from Kimberly Weitkamp 

81 Tools to Grow Your Sales & Your Business Faster, More Easily & More Profitably

Save hours of work tracking down the right prospecting and sales resources and/or digital tools that every business owner and salesperson needs.

from Wendy Weiss

The #1 Strategy Top Coaches Use to Create More Impact and Blast Past Six Figures in Revenue

Ready to scale your business beyond one-on-one coaching?

Tired of the feast and famine cycle of selling courses?

Want to learn the easiest ways to create recurring and consistent revenue?

In this PDF and video training, learn the #1 strategy most big-name coaches use to leverage their time, deliver massive transformations, and scale their business.

If you're ready to take the next step in your business and create a high-end program for your most loyal, raving fans, then grab this training and learn how the top coaches do it and how you can too... even without a big list or fancy tech!

from Jay Fairbrother

Masterclass: Attract Clients through Speaking (Yes, Even Now!)

Would you like to attract clients and monetize your speaking? In this master class, Leisa Reid pulls back the curtain to share expert secrets on how to attract clients through speaking, even in these uncertain times. This is an excellent class for speakers, business owners and entrepreneurs who want to use the power of speaking to attract their ideal clients and make an impact on the world.

In this master class you will learn: 1) A Mindset Shift for Speaking Success NOW 2) The 7 Keys to Creating a Successful Speaking Business, and 3) The Speaker Monetization Formula

from Leisa Reid

The Simple 5-Step Process to Launch a Rockin' Podcast in Just 14 Days!

Podcasting is quietly on the grow and secretly usurping the power of video!

Here's why:

  • People can listen while driving, running, exercising, doing dishes, and more!
  • It creates intimacy, as most listeners are hearing you through earbuds - you go right into their minds.
  • The KLT (Know, Like, Trust) Factor is extremely high in podcasts, proven by research that shows more people buy from hearing ads on podcasts than anywhere else!

Best of all, it's not rocket science, and you can launch a podcast with less than $100 and in a very short period of time.

Get this free guide to learn how!

from Michael Neeley

9 Secrets to Create Client-Attracting Content

Here are 9 strategies, tips and tactics to help you transform your content from boring to brilliant so prospects tune in, turn on, and buy.

With story-powered content, you can attract leads, engage and captivate followers, and inspire prospects to hire you -- without wasting time, spinning your wheels, or getting stuck.

If you ever suffer from writer's block, this e-book is for you. If you ever wonder why your content isn't working as you wished, download this now. If you've ever wished marketing didn't have to be so darn frustrating, read this. I wrote it for you.

from Tom Ruwitch

The Referral Alchemy Report

98% of small business owners RELY on referrals to power their business... fewer than 3% of them have a plan. Are you part of the 98% who wants to build your business through the power of relationship, without the frustration of complicated tech or the expense of paid traffic? Then grab The Referral Alchemy Report where I reveal:

* What most gurus don’t talk about…and why it’s creating a massive bottleneck for your success
* How to use the power of relationship triple your clients in a one third of the time
* How to break 100K this year without spending a dime on ads
* The #1 secret to building a network that actually WORKS (instead of just making empty promises)
* And more...

Stop networking of nothing and start creating partnerships that drive results!

from Virgnia Muzquiz

Get Connected  Bootcamp (just $97)

It's time to STOP over-giving and under-receiving. You CAN build a network that consistently walks qualified prospects to your door! it's just a matter of doing the RIGHT work, with the RIGHT people, in the RIGHT way, at the RIGHT time.

Imagine what it would feel like to power up your business partnerships in a way that made networking profitable and growing your business infinitely easier!

If you've got a network, you've got a secret army of advocates, brand ambassadors and strategic allies who have the resources, networks and knowledge you need to 3X your revenue in 12 months or less!

At Get Connected Bootcamp you'll discover how to find them, mobilize them and keep them working on your behalf so you can create ease and freedom in your business!

Use coupon code: 6FSG for 100 off

from Virginia Muzquiz

Business by Referral Blueprint

Do you LOVE networking and connecting with people and wish that your referral and JV relationships weren't so one-sided? Do you WANT to have a network that dependable connects, promotes and refers you to perfect, ideal, well-qualified prospects?

What if I told you there are 6 simple steps to creating a predictable stream of high quality prospects who are eager to talk to you and ready, willing and able to buy... by referral?

Grab the Business by Referral Blueprint and you'll discover:

* A simple, fool-proof way to get your prospect's attention
* Why your marketing message may be falling on deaf ears
* How to leverage OPN -- Other People's Networks -- to create referrals and revenue for your business
* A 3-step system for creating a networking system that actually works to grow your business
* And more...

Are you sick and tired of being stuck on the revenue roller coaster? Never really knowing where your next client is coming from?

from Virginia Muzquiz


If you are ready to grow your business through the power of relationships, the Business by Referral is a must!

Our guests are consummate connectors who share their secrets for building a business that creates flexibility, freedom and joy. Have a listen and discover how YOU can get off the revenue roller coaster and start creating connections that lead to cashflow so you can live your life by design!

from Virginia Muzquiz