Get FREE access to this treasure trove of tools designed specifically for the visionary entrepreneur that you are!

When you register for access to these awesome free gifts, you will also get weekly tips, advice, insights and offers from Sean Stewart and be added to the Infinite List® for future giveaways and promotions — you may unsubscribe from either at any time.









Masterclass: Attract Your Clients Through Speaking {Yes, Even Now}

Would you like to attract clients and monetize your speaking? In this master class, Leisa Reid pulls back the curtain to share expert secrets on how to attract clients through speaking, even in these uncertain times. This is an excellent class for speakers, business owners and entrepreneurs who want to use the power of speaking to attract their ideal clients and make an impact on the world.

In this master class you will learn: 1) A Mindset Shift for Speaking Success NOW 2) The 7 Keys to Creating a Successful Speaking Business, and 3) The Speaker Monetization Formula

from Leisa Reid

Profitable Events: The Complete Guide

If you are doing your first event, or you are a seasoned host looking for strategies focusing on key activities that drives revenues, fills events & creates extraordinary experiences then you will want to listen in as Linda explores the wonderful world of events, which are the number 1 way to quickly increase revenues. It starts with Creating Your Own Stage and building from there. This does NOT mean you have you have to dive into a large 3-Day Enrollment Live Event, or a fancy retreat (though we LOVE these events), it simply means you have to have a place to get started or to expand into.

Linda will talk about the different kinds of events, which ones might be right for you and dive into key tips for successful, profitable and engaging events.

from Linda Cain

Creating The Perfect List Building Experience

Learn the 3 elements that make bring the right people onto your list that are perfectly aligned for your paid offers!

List building isn't about adding subscribers to your list. This just adds people that aren't really interested in what you do.

Instead, list building needs to be an experience to build relationships with future clients. By building your list with the RIGHT people, you'll have the opportunity to present your paid offers to them, which are the perfect solution for them!

Get insight on exactly how to create the PERFECT list building experience with our free step-by-step guide!

from Paul & Melissa Pruit

Teach And Get Clients Audio Book

TEACH AND GET CLIENTS TO GET A FLOOD OF NEW BUSINESS - WITHOUT A WEBSITE, SOCIAL MEDIA FOLLOWING, OR MAILING LIST! $97 Value For Free! Cornelia Ward made $9,000 from her first workshop and enrolled 90% of attendees with this unique strategy! Discover how she did it in this audiobook!

from Cornelia Ward

Top Money Making Activities

You'll ... Discover the top 7 Money Making Activities in your online business.

Understand the difference between lead-generating vs money making activities.

Identify the 5 things that provide 80% (or more) of your income.

from Cindy J Holbrook

44 Ways To Seduce Your Next Client from Stage, Podcast, Radio, Virtual Summits and Virtual Networking

As a changemaker looking to change more lives, attract more clients and scale up your business, you must always be looking for ways to get people to meet with you or opt-in to your list.

But if you think the only inducements you can offer are a free ebook, short online program or free consultation, you are far behind the times! Is your free offer tired and not drawing?

What if we could give you 44 Ways to Seduce Your Next Client from Stages, Podcasts, Radio Shows, Virtual Summits or Virtual Networking?

Get this and rocket your prospective client engagement with new, exciting and creative enticements!

from Jackie Lapin

Want to Automate Your Business?

Free Yourself Time & Make Money While You Sleep!

Get the Offer Funnel Optimizer Resource

A Must-Have Resource for Every Solopreneur!

from Sue Pats

27 Hot Tips To Getting Booked On Virtual Stages

Want to get Booked Like Magic? Virtual speaking is HOT & I've been doing it since 2009 - long before the pandemic shifted the events & live speaking industries over to virtual. 27 Hot Tips for Getting Booked On Virtual Stages is your GO TO GUIDE to becoming a booking MAGNET. Heat up your speaking schedule with this gift today!

from Anjel Hartwell

Is Your Course Idea Any Good?

Considering an Online Course? Wondering if your idea is any good? Come find out with this short training to validate your idea - before you spend hours, days or even months creating it!

from Julie Hood

Transformational Talks: How to Craft and Deliver a Talk that Inspires, Moves and Transforms Your Audience

Have you always wished you could give a powerful talk that moved beyond formula... that was authentic, compelling and even... transformational?

Would you like your delivery style to be compelling and moving?

And show up with powerful presence?

In this comprehensive guide, learn the art of transformational public speaking, including:

* The 4 components of speaking transformationally (hint: it's more than the words you say!)
* The do's and don'ts of crafting a transformational talk that inspires, moves and transforms your audience
* The 5 principles to follow, to make sure it's truly transformational
* The exact steps to take to craft your next talk!

Normally $97, this comprehensive guide from master coach Jonathan Bender, MS, MFA is a gift to you... so you can increase your influence, income and impact. May it help your voice and message ring out!

from Jonathan Bender

Offering Your Gifts to the World

Attention spiritual people who want to be authentic, successful, happy and profoundly satisfied with their work. Use this online, on-demand program and you will clear and heal conscious, unconscious, energetic, and spiritual blocks to your success and happiness in your work, business, or career. This includes clearing karma, spiritual contracts, ancestral and family programming, and much more. You will align your spirit and chakras for more abundance and connect with guidance from your spirit and deep inner wisdom to manifest meaningful and abundant success. This is an Energetic NLP Energy Spa™ program that we have sold for $997. You don’t have to analyze yourself or figure it all out. It will be easy and fun (that’s why we call it an Energy Spa™). You just relax, put your Miraculous Self in charge (I will show you how to do it), and let the magic happen.

from Art Giser

3 Ultimate Secrets To Getting Booked on Podcasts

Learn the 3 Secrets which are tested methods that have benefitted several other Podcast Guests, on how you can become confident as a Guest on a Podcast, the do's and don'ts of appearing as a Guest, how to get the host to invite you back on their Podcast, again and again! And how to boost your podcast appearances by 3x.

from Kay Suthar

The Standout Stars Speaker Success Kit:

This Information Package is designed to provide you with key features and
questions to ask your producers, stage managers, and event management for their expectations on working with you once you have been selected as the speaker of choice for their event. These 9 pages include a series of checklists to follow as you grow from Emerging to Experienced Speaker and finally to Expert Level Speaker.

At the Standout Stars Speakers Bureau, we are dedicated to making your speaking career more successful and we work on getting you booked to as many stages as we can.
Please take the time to review this speaker's guide so that you can be more
familiar with the entire process.

from Toni Kaufman

50 Ways to Use Your Speaking to Grow & Scale Your Business

The Speak to Scale Map will teach you...
- Boost Your Reputation to become a CELEBRATED SPEAKER and THOUGHT LEADER
- Grow your network & strengthen your connections to open new doors you didn't even know existed
- Grow your list of potential clients, and learn how you convert them
- Turn Speaking into Earning by creating additional income streams
- Multiply your number of stage time opportunities

from Monique Blokzyl

Highly Paid Speaker Action Guide

Make BIG Money From Speaking …Get Booked Consistently with a Highly Targeted Market, Expert Brand and Proven Marketing Strategies to Secure More Speaking Opportunities!
Learn From One of the World’s Top Speakers with Over 25 Years of Professional Speaking Experience and Speaking to Sell Success Strategies

from Debbie Allen

Course Creation Toolkit

This FREE toolkit does all the heavy lifting so you can fast-track your course building and selling. You'll get step-by-step instructions, checklists, and templates – so all you have to do is go through each template, fill in the blanks, and you’re done!

from Eli Natoli

Entrepreneurial Storytelling to Dominate Your Market

With “Entrepreneurial Storytelling to Dominate Your Market” self paced training program, you can learn how to craft the right types of stories to share with your market.

You'll learn to:

- Identify the different types of stories and how they are used, including company and brand stories, personal stories, and customer stories
- Apply the most enduring story formats that have stood the test of time
Identify which types of stories connect best with your target market
- Outline the key elements that make a story effective regardless of the type of story or format that you choose
- Choose the best media to use for your story to make it engaging for your target market
- Identify the different outlets you can use for distributing your story so that it will be seen by as many people as possible and create the desired result.

By the end, you'll draft your plan for finishing and producing a story you can use right away to supercharge and dominate your market.

This program includes:

- A course book including 6 modules over 50 pages
- A 25 page action guide with worksheets to help you take action on what you’ve learned in the course book
- 15 timeless examples of great storytelling in marketing

from Al Jensen

Speakers Crush It From the Stage CheckList

Virtual, InPerson, Hybrid Stages - Checklist to help you be prepared, positioned and ready to be profitable!

from Dannella Burnett 

The Fill Your Workshop Blueprint (and training)

If you are planning to host your first or next workshop, then you are likely looking for simple and effective way to fill that event with ideal prospects. The fill your workshop blueprint has everything you need and works even if you have no email list or following!
What's included:

☑️ Video Training on 7 core strategies for filling your event
☑️ Swipe file of emails, social posts and JV partner emails (model the exact ones we use)
☑️ The 'fill the room map' so you can zero in on the key marketing strategies to achieve your attendee goals
☑️ Workbook with step-by-step instructions

from Sean D. Stewart

Virtual Workshops That Sell LIVE Masterclass:  Attract Client Monthly Using “Partner-Fueled Workshops”

Are you tired of complex marketing strategies that promise results but don’t deliver?
Ready to attract consistent clients simply
by rocking virtual stages that convert?

When you have an important message to share, it can be hard to know the best marketing strategies to use to grow your business to the next level.

Time after time I see talented coaches and service providers who resort to using complicated (or expensive) client-getting methods that not only don't work… but burn them out.

But what if there was a way to leverage your natural gifts in marketing so that attracting clients was fun, in flow and highly effective?

And what if you could fill your events and attract a consistent flow of leads using OTHER PEOPLE'S AUDIENCES?

✅ Why You are Sitting on GOLD if You are a Speaker/ Coach with a Message… and How to Turn that Gold Into Raving Fan Clients, Predictable Income and Immense Impact with Virtual Workshops!

✅ How to Leverage Other People's Audiences
to Fill Your Events with 75 (or more) People Even if You Have No List.

✅ My 3-Step 'Event Creation Shortcut’ that will Allow You to Build a Highly Profitable Event in 2 Weeks or Less No Matter Your Level or Experience in Your Space.

✅ The Secret to Creating a Highly Compelling Talk Title and Presentation that will Inspire, Transform and Convert!

from Sean D. Stewart

The 1-Page Hybrid Group Program Launch Checklist (and training)

Ready to expand your practice from 1-on-1 to a high-ticket evergreen group program?

Imagine achieving remarkable results for your clients in just 90 minutes of delivery time per week, giving you the time- freedom you crave (so you can focus on what you love most).

With the The ‘Hybrid Group Program Launch Checklist and Video Training’ you will:

- Get back 10+ hours of free time per week to expand your business or do more of what you love.
- Automatically raise your prices for your private 1-on-1 by 2-3X so you can be selective over who you take on.

- Transform your coaching model into a thriving community you love.

It's time to start living your best life and start freeing yourself up so you can help way more people, make great money and have fun in the process!

from Sean D. Stewart

Virtual Workshop in a Week System 80% OFF (GIVEAWAY SPECIAL)

What's Included:

  • 3-Module online training course with Done for you (DFY) funnel (built by our in house team) ($3997 value)
  • Fill your workshop Marketing system
    ($997 value)
  • DFY "Double Your Show ups" Email series ($597 value)
  • Sell from Stage training (product offer or discovery session) ($497 value)
  • Fill-in-the-blank resources, tools, templates, swipe files, social media posts ($297 value)
  • JV Partner Attraction Formula ($397 value)
    -30-Day Trial to Funneltopia Marketing CRM ($297 Value)
  • Event planning time-line training ($297 value)
  • Preloaded workshop slide deck ($97 value)


  • 60 min private 1-on-1 with Sean ($997 value)
  • Offer up-level training ($997 value)
  • 2 ticket to 3 day event "The 100K speaker game-plan" (date TBD) ($594 value)
  • 3 month access to JV Directory Network ($197 Value)

Total Value = $9,961.00

Giveaway special just $297 Today!

from Sean D. Stewart